Social Impact Projects

Here is a selection of some of my artistic interventions & social projects:

Taste my world

The world at one table, Hamburg: April - July 2018



The World at one Table


(past project) 21. April- 14. July 2018 in Hamburg/ Germany 


A culinary and artistic project for crosscultural encounter


Taste my world invites you to dive into creative and culinary experiences inspired by different cultural backgrounds. During four tasty Art Happenings accompanied by me you are invited to explore beauty in difference in playful, sensual and experimental ways. Get to know different medias such as painting, cooking, storytelling, performance and friendly people from all over the world. 


Free Entry. Donations appreciated.




  • Sa, 21.April 2018, 18h "MASHUP! Culture Clash, Culture Mash" Open experimental FoodArtLab
  • Sa, 9.June 2018, 19h "Beauty in difference" Taste & Create.           Open Studio Time
  • Fr, 29.June 2018, 19.30h "Music has Colour. Colour has music." Intermedial Jamsession 
  • Sa, 14. July 2018 18.30h "One world table feast"                             Final Open Air Party at our one world table 



Additional Dates:

Wed, 4.April 2018 19.30h, Meeting for Artists and volunteers

Wed, 2.May & Tue 8.May 2018 17-21h, Collective preparation for "Sharityboards" for the Public Space 

Fr, 1.June 2018 19h, Exhibition Opening Sarita Dey

Fr, 10.August 2018, 19.30h, Finissage & Talk, at Differencia Exhibition



Phone: +4940- 481548 





Kulturhaus Eppendorf 

Julius-Reinke-Stieg 13a 

20251 Hamburg 



A project by Sarita Dey presented by Kulturhaus Eppendorf 



Kindly sponsored by FREIRÄUME! Fonds & Bezirksamt Hamburg Nord

Partner: Hamburgprojekt 






"Colour Dinner" Hamburg

A public dinner to taste & celebrate diversity

Here are some Impressions from the final Happening of "Taste my world" captured by Noa4.

The Colour Dinner was an Open Air Dinner in Hamburg inviting people to share their favorite meals with others accompanied by music and artsy inspiration from various backgrounds. It was all about sharing and celebrating together, cherishing diversity and allowing special encounters! 


Taste my world was a culinary and artistic project by me/ Sarita Dey presented by Kulturhaus Eppendorf. 

Kindly sponsored by: FREIRÄUME! Fonds & Bezirk Hamburg Nord

Partner/ Support: Bundjugend, Hamburgprojekt, Joshua's Kitchen Ottensen, One Kitchen Grindel, RHO Kombucha


Note: All Rights reserved by Noa 4/ On air media Gmbh. / Alle Rechte des Filmbeitrags liegen bei der “on air new media GmbH. 


Offenes Abendbrot mit Kulturhappen

(ongoing project in Germany)

Kulturstulle ist ein offenes Abendbrot, bei dem wir zusammen essen und Kreatives wie Texte, Musik, Gedichte, Kurzfilme, Bilder, Aktionen oder auch einfach nur eine Stulle miteinander teilen. Jeder ist willkommen!


Come, taste and share! Kulturstulle is an open dinner for everybody. While eating together participants are welcome to share quick creative bites such as texts, music, poetry, short movies, photography, drawings, performances or more. Everybody is welcome!


Artistic Dinner Tel Aviv

(past project: 2015/2016 Israel) 

FlorenDine! ...was a Dining project at Uriel 23 in Florentin/ Tel Aviv. Open artistic dinners offered opportunities for encounter and collective experiences using food and arts.

Creative Space

After work Chillout & Paint, Tel Aviv

(past project: 2015/2016, Israel)

Creative Space was an Afterwork Chillout & Paint opportunity at Uriel 23 in Florentin/ Tel Aviv. During these open creative sessions I introduced different artistic medias in a kind of open studio space and led groups in individual & collective creative processes.